It’s An Adventure

A person close to me once said that when things don’t go as planned, think of what does happen as an adventure. Now I’m not talking about big life altering changes, but more like say getting a flat tire, getting lost in a new town, or any day to day mishap. I actually think it’s good advice.

Let’s say you are driving round town when you suddenly get a flat tire. Now you can get angry, yell or swear up a storm. This is what most people would do, or you can think of it as an adventure. Just think of all your options. #1 You can call a road service to come fix it for you, for a fee of course. #2 You can fix it yourself, if you know how. #3 Call a friend or family member to come and help. If they don’t know how to change a tire, at least you will have someone waiting with you. Sounds like an adventure to me!

How about if you get lost somewhere, going down the wrong road in a town you have never been to before. After cussing out Siri or Alexa or whoever led you astray, you once again have these wonderful options. #1 You can look around you to see if there are any people walking around and ask them for directions. Look at you meeting new people and making friends! #2 You can get out your old paper map (if you have one) and figure out where you went wrong. #3 Keep driving around until you finally find the right road and be on your way again. Sounds like another adventure!

So what I mean to say is when something doesn’t go your way, try to make the best of it. Getting angry does not help with the situation and can actually affect your health. And since we are only middle aged we need to stay healthy to reach old age. I heard it’s hard getting old, but what an adventure!