Medicare Pain

Since I’ve never been this old age before, one thing I already noticed is that I am getting so much mail about Medicare. That’s right, Medicare, which is for OLD people! My mail person keeps bringing me junk mail announcing to the whole world that I’m almost 65. Almost. I will not be 65 until January actually. But I’m already getting this mail, and have been getting it for months. Insurance companies I’ve never even heard of are sending me mail that “I must read before making any decisions on Medicare.”I admit I don’t understand it all. Part A? B? C? D? EFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ? What does it all mean?!! I don’t know! But my husband knows, since he is already 65 and has Medicare. So that will help. And I’m sure I will probably appreciate having it next year, but not today. Not when I’m still middle aged!

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